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What he specialises in

Before joining Pepeliaev Group, Roman headed the Private Law Division of the Russian Supreme Commercial Court (the “SCC”).

Roman was intimately involved in drafting and discussing the key clarifications of the Supreme Commercial Court (SCC) in civil law matters between 2008 and 2014. Roman was personally responsible for drafting several of the most significant resolutions of the Plenum of the SCC and information letters of the Presidium of the SCC in the following areas: security for obligations; rights to real estate law; and the law of obligations.

His main achievements

Roman also has experience of providing legal support for the operations of various large unit investment trusts. He arranged a model that used complex investment structures to organise bank and private financing of the construction of commercial and residential facilities.

From 2008, Roman has been a member of the working group for drafting the Concept for Improving Civil Law and the new draft of the Russian Civil Code. He has worked successfully in the sub-group devoted to the general provisions of the Civil Code relating to proprietary rights, financial transactions and securities transactions.

Roman continues to pursue his teaching activity. He has authored more than 150 academic papers. 

What they say

Pepeliaev Group’s team of “well-qualified professionals” in the dispute resolution practice is “extremely competent in the litigation sphere”, providing “smooth, fast and flexible assistance at a reasonable price” (The Legal 500).

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