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Articles and comments
07 November 2023
Distribution outside of the UAE. Case study

A distribution company is incorporated in a designated zone in the UAE. Its facilities are located in the designated zone from where its employees buy the goods in China, resell them to Indian customers, and arrange shipment of...

07 November 2023
Updated rules of the Corporate Tax regime for Free Zone Persons

The earlier published Cabinet Decision No. 55 of 2023 and Ministerial Decision No. 139 of 2023 concerning the Corporate Tax regime for Free Zone Persons have been repealed and replaced 
03 November 2023
Amendments have been made to the conditions of tax stabilisation for residents of special economic zones

On 2 November 2023, the Federal Law supplementing the Russian Tax Code and changing the content of the “stabilisation clause” for residents of special economic zones was signed by the Russian President and published.
The amendments...
03 November 2023
Overview of court practice relating to cases over the protection of consumers’ rights when goods are sold via the Internet

The key provisions of the overview of court practice been prepared by the Russian Supreme Court relating to cases over the protection of consumers’ rights that apply to the sale of goods via the Internet.

01 November 2023
The Russian Federal Antitrust Service has prepared a draft law aimed at changing the current mechanism of reconsidering instructions that have been issued

On 18 October 2023 the draft law “On amending ‎the Federal Law “On protecting competition" was published for public discussion on the federal portal of drafts of legal and regulatory instruments.

31 October 2023
Real estate transactions are invalid without the consent of the government commission
The State Commercial Court for the Moscow Circuithas confirmed the position of the appeal court, according to which a sale and purchase agreement of real estate entered into in the absence of the consent of the Government Commission on Monitoring...
Articles and comments
27 October 2023
IP Assets Case Study: TP, DEMPE, risks and reward + ESR on top

The UAE’s FTA issued Transfer Pricing Guide No. CTGTP1 this week. The FTA sets forth the following hierarchical algorithm... Read more in the article of Andrey Nikonov, Senior Partner.

26 October 2023
The law on reform of an extended responsibility of producers and importers (ERP)
The subject of the video is “The law on reform of an extended responsibility of producers and importers (which is often abbreviated to “extended producer responsibility” or “EPR”)”
EPR is a regulation stipulation that producers and ...