
Analytics and brochures

10 October 2023
The application form has been approved for excluding from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (the “USRLE”) a legal entity classified as a small or medium entrepreneur

The Federal Tax Service has approved an application form (form р19001) for the “simplified liquidation” of some small or medium entrepreneurs.

Articles and comments
09 October 2023
Case Study: interest-bearing deposits and a 0% Corporate Tax rate

A holding company is registered in the UAE free zone. It earns dividends and capital gains. Every once in a while, the Company deposits money in interest bearing accounts in UAE and foreign banks. The holding of shares qualifies for a 0%...

Legal overviews
02 October 2023
Overview of tax events for September 2023

The Russian Government has submitted to the State Duma draft law No. 448566-8 concerning the return of a number of tax benefits to business which were in effect before certain provisions were suspended of double taxation treaties with a...

25 September 2023
The cash method of accounting in UAE corporate taxation

Article (20)(5)(a) of the Corporate Tax Law  authorizes the MoF to ‘prescribe … the circumstances and conditions under which a Person may prepare financial statements using the cash basis of accounting’. On May 9, 2023 the...

25 September 2023
A draft law has been put before the State Duma to toughen liability for small-scale corrupt business practices and small-scale bribery
A draft federal law has been put before the State Duma toughening liability under certain aggravating bodies of a crime under articles 204.2 and article 291.2 of the Russian Criminal Code. The confiscation of property is also introduced...
Articles and comments
21 September 2023
Adjustments of accounting profit in the UAE

The UAE Corporate Tax Law does not provide for separate tax accounting. The initial basis for calculating the corporate tax base is the financial statements, i.e. accounting data. This data is subject to adjustment in cases where the accounting...

19 September 2023
The law on the “linear amnesty” has come into force

The law on the “linear amnesty” has come into force. The Law was adopted in pursuance of the Russian President's instruction No. Pr-1842 dated 12 November 2020 to develop mechanisms for the registration of rights to infrastructure lines...

13 September 2023
The Russian Ministry of Justice has supported the concept of a draft law introducing new, and also increasing current, fines for non-compliance with requirements in the field of personal data protection

The Russian Ministry of Justice has drafted an official review of the Russian Government with respect to the draft of the federal law “On amending the Russian Code of Administrative Offences” submitted to the State Duma by Russian senators...

13 September 2023
Tax reclassification of advertising and marketing services provided in favour of foreign companies
The practice of conducting tax audits aimed at reclassifying advertising and marketing services provided to foreign companies has spread.