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Articles and comments
25 August 2023
Corporate tax in the UAE: how much will Free Zone Residents pay?
Corporate tax has been put into application in the United Arab Emirates starting from 1 June this year. The first tax period for Emirati companies will be the first calendar year or a 12-month period after 1 June for which financial statements...
22 August 2023
Distribution from a designated zone in the UAE. Case study

A distribution company (‘Distribution Co’) is incorporated in a free zone in the UAE. This zone is not included in the list of the designated zones. However, Distribution Co buys products and orders services from third parties...

Articles and comments
16 August 2023
The economy in good graces
In 2021 the Plenum of the Russian Supreme Court recommended that courts investigate in more detail objective economic reasons for the conduct of market players, assess whether profit can be generated and establish a causal link betwee...
11 August 2023
A law has been published to reform the extended responsibility of producers and importers (EPR)
On 4 August 2023 amendments were published to Federal law No. 89-FZ “On production and consumption waste” dated 24 June 1998.
11 August 2023
The law has been signed on how to use recommendation engines in the Internet
On 31 July 2023, Federal Law No. 408-FZ dated 31 July 2023 was signed by the Russian President and published. The Law stipulates new requirements for owners (the ‘owners of information resources’) of websites and web pages, information systems...
09 August 2023
Most of the articles of double tax treaties with ‘hostile’ states have been suspended

Pepeliaev Group advises of the implications of the Russian President’s Decree, suspending most of the articles of double tax treaties with ‘hostile’ states.

07 August 2023
Numerous amendments to the Tax Code

Pepeliaev Group advises of the contents of amendments to the Russian Tax Code made in connection with the implementation of the main avenues of tax policy for 2024-2026.

07 August 2023
A set of amendments have been adopted regarding the tax on excess profit

Pepeliaev Group comments on the law on the tax on excess profit and the associated amendments to the Tax Code.

04 August 2023
On the Administrative Penalties for Violations Related to Corporate Tax
PGP Tax Consultancy advises that the Prime Minister of the UAE Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has issued Cabinet Decision No. 75 of 2023 on the Administrative Penalties for Violations Related to the Application of Federal Decree-Law No. (47...