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Legal overviews
05 June 2023
Overview of tax events for May 2023
A charge is being introduced in the event of transactions with securities acquired from non-residents.
Articles and comments
02 June 2023
Anticartel precedents
The regulator is paying special attention to the fight against anti-competitive agreements. The courts are also making no less a contribution, forming common approaches to the consideration of such cases. The decisions of the Russian Constitutional...
24 May 2023
The register of secondary respondents set up by the Federal Tax Service
The Russian Federal Tax Service has launched a new service for searching for information regarding controlling persons who have been held liable under civil law. 
Articles and comments
22 May 2023
The role of economic substance in the UAE's taxation system

This article will focus on the issues of confirming economic substance in the UAE.

Before we begin I would like to provide some key background information which will help you to understand what place economic substance has within...

16 May 2023
Military training in 2023

On 10 May 2023, the Russian President signed Decree No. 333 calling up Russian nationals in reserve for military training in 2023.

11 May 2023
A draft law has been submitted to The State Duma on increasing fines for a failure to obtain personal data subjects’ consents and on administrative liability for violations in the processing of biometric data

On 4 May 2023 Draft Law No. 353266-8 “On amending the Russian Code of Administrative Offences” was submitted to the State Duma. The Draft Law provides for a significant increase of fines for the processing of personal data without ...

04 May 2023
A draft law has been submitted to the State Duma regarding liability for the failure to comply with requirements for keeping records of internet advertising

Draft law No. 337373-8 (the “Draft Law”) was submitted to the State Duma on 14 April 2023. It has been stipulated that measures of administrative liability will be introduced for companies if they do not comply with certain requirements ...

02 May 2023
The intended amendments to the special administrative region (SAR) regimes. clarifications with regard to the types of investment by an international holding company (IHC) for the purpose of applying tax benefits

A draft law has been put before the State Duma to clarify the forms and types of investment for international holding companies when they apply tax benefits in special administrative regions.