
Analytics and brochures

17 March 2022
A special procedure is being revisited for initiating criminal cases for tax offences
Pepeliaev Group advises that, on 9 March 2022, a Federal Law came into effect to re-introduce a special procedure for initiating the criminal cases for which articles 198 to 199.2 of the Russian Criminal Code provide.
Articles and comments
15 March 2022
Undercover business
China has stormed into the ranks of the leading countries in terms of foreign investment in the Russian economy. According to independent research, China is the second-largest source of direct investments in Russia. The legal culture in China...
15 March 2022
Draft law on the external management of companies associated with hostile states
Pepeliaev Group advises that the Ministry of Economic Development, in accordance with the instructions of the Russian Government dated 8 March 2022, has prepared a draft law “On an external administration for the management of a company”...
15 March 2022
On 8 march new measures came into effect aimed at supporting suppliers under state and municipal contracts when sanctions are in force
Pepeliaev Group advises that a number of amendments have been introduced in legislation which are aimed at optimising procedures for the procurement of goods, work and services to provide for municipal and state needs, as well as state con...
14 March 2022
The first Court decision in connection with violation of rights to IP items owned by a foreign entity from a ‘hostile’ country
Pepeliaev Group advises that the decision of the State Commercial Court of the Kirov Region dated 3 March 2022 in case No. A28-11930/21 has been published. This decision denied protection of an exclusive right of a foreign entity due to its...
14 March 2022
Fourth stage of the ‘capital amnesty’: the conditions are the same, but new items to declare have arisen

Pepeliaev Group advises that on 14 March 2022 the law on the fourth stage of the ‘capital amnesty’ came into force. This law was adopted at the initiative of the Russian Government. Still, the ‘amnesty’ has a procedural form for the...

11 March 2022
The Tax Code will be amended drastically to reflect the measures aimed at supporting business during sanctions

Pepeliaev Group advises that on 11 March 2022 the State Duma adopted in the first reading a draft law containing a package of tax measures to support business.

11 March 2022
Changes in the state procurement procedure for medicines, medical devices and consumables
Pepeliaev Group advises that Federal Law No. 46 dated 8 March 2022 came into force on 8 March 2022. The specified federal law amends, among other things, the regulation of purchases of medicines and medical devices.
Legal overviews
11 March 2022
Overview of tax events for February 2022
The Russian President has signed a law on the specialised regime of the “Automated simplified taxation system”. The adopted law includes a satellite new development whereby Russian companies will be granted an opportunity to become resident...