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Articles and comments
29 July 2021
Russia: Mandatory Vaccination Against COVID-19 in Russia: the New Reality
Several Russian regions have made COVID-19 vaccinations compulsory for specific spheres of the economy. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the Far East, was the first region to introduce this campaign, announcing a mandatory vaccination...
Articles and comments
29 July 2021
Russia: Foreign Nationals May Now Stay Longer in Russia
In accordance with the latest Presidential Decree, as from 16 June 2021 the term of visas, migration cards and several temporary stay permits will be extended. The extension will be valid for 90 days after transportation is resumed with the...
Articles and comments
29 July 2021
Russia: Mandatory Vaccination
More and more Russian regions announce mandatory vaccination for employees of specific industries.
28 July 2021
The Russian Central Bank has introduced a procedure for maintaining a register of controlling persons for credit institutions, insurance companies and public pension funds
Pepeliaev Group advises that on 26 July 2021 the Russian Central Bank’s Instruction No. 5814-U dated 9 June 2021 came into legal force regarding the form, procedure and deadlines for submitting information to the Bank of Russia about contro...
15 July 2021
The law makes provision for implementing experimental legal regimes in the area of medical practice, communications services and autonomous transport technologies
Pepeliaev Group advises of the coming into force of Federal Law No. 331-FZ dated 2 July 2021 “On amendments to individual items of legislation of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law ‘On experimental leg...
14 July 2021
Changes in the procedure for performing notarial acts and in the procedure for how sole members of legal entities should adopt resolutions
Pepeliaev Group advises that a Federal Law has been adopted that establishes a procedure for how the register of orders to revoke powers of attorney should be kept and also changes the procedure for how sole members of legal entities should...
14 July 2021
Criminal liability has been made harsher in the bankruptcy sphere
Pepeliaev Group advises that a criminal liability has been made harsher for beneficial owners and other controlling persons, as well as court-appointed administrators for their unlawful activities during a bankruptcy and for deliberate bank...
13 July 2021
It has been enshrined in legislation that a convertible loan agreement can be concluded for the purpose of investing in non-public companies
Pepeliaev Group advises that a Federal Law has been adopted establishing that a convertible loan agreement can be concluded between a borrower which is a non-public company and a lender, as well as the procedure for converting a loan into a...
Legal overviews
09 July 2021
Overview of tax events for June 2021
In the issue: Russia has notified the Netherlands that the tax treaty between the two countries has been denounced.