
Analytics and brochures

12 February 2021
A procedure is coming into force for assessing damage to the atmosphere caused by stationary sources
Pepeliaev Group advises that on 16 February 2021, the Procedure comes into force that sets the rules for assessing damage caused by emissions of polluting substances into the atmosphere from stationary sources on these sites.
Articles and comments
11 February 2021
Note on the application of the collective dominance rule
The concept of “collective dominance” is reflected in the Federal Law “On the Protection of Competition” (the “Competition Law”). Despite the concept of “collective dominance” not being directly used in the legislation, the criteria creatin...
Articles and comments
11 February 2021
Lessons of the Market Division Case
The Eurasian Economic Commission (the “Commission”) is becoming ever more significant as a platform for antimonopoly authorities in the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (“EAEU”) to engage with each other in the area of investiga...
08 February 2021
Tax consequences of capital improvements of leased property: new approaches
Pepeliaev Group advises that new court practice has developed regarding integral improvements to leased property.

04 February 2021
Client identification rules have been changed for the sale and purchase of jewellery
Pepeliaev Group advises of the coming into force, starting from 30 January 2021, of Federal Law No. 536-FZ “On amendments to the Federal Law ‘On combating the legalisation (laundering) of the proceeds of crime and the financing of terrorism’”...
03 February 2021
Rules have come into effect for the compensation of damage from spills of oil and oil products
Pepeliaev Group advises that, on 1 January 2021, Russian Government's Resolution No. 2295 dated 28 December 2020 came into effect to establish specific rules for compensating damage from the spills of raw hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon products....
Legal overviews
03 February 2021
Overview of tax events for January 2021
In the issue: The State Duma (the lower chamber of the Russian Parliament) has adopted a law amending the Tax Code to specify the procedure for determining prices for taxation and tax control when transfer pricing agreements are entered into....
02 February 2021
A new recording procedure in the area of waste management has been adopted
Pepeliaev Group advises that since 1 January 2021 a new recording procedure in the area of waste management has been in effect. The previous recording procedure in the area of waste management has been repealed starting from the above date...
26 January 2021
New rules for drawing up certificates for waste of hazard classes I-IV

Pepeliaev Group advises that 1 January 2021 saw the entry into force of Order No. 1026 of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment dated 8 December 2020 “On approving the procedure for issuing certificates and the standard...