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Articles and comments
25 August 2023
Corporate tax in the UAE: how much will Free Zone Residents pay?
Corporate tax has been put into application in the United Arab Emirates starting from 1 June this year. The first tax period for Emirati companies will be the first calendar year or a 12-month period after 1 June for which financial statements...
22 August 2023
Distribution from a designated zone in the UAE. Case study

A distribution company (‘Distribution Co’) is incorporated in a free zone in the UAE. This zone is not included in the list of the designated zones. However, Distribution Co buys products and orders services from third parties...

04 August 2023
On the Administrative Penalties for Violations Related to Corporate Tax
PGP Tax Consultancy advises that the Prime Minister of the UAE Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has issued Cabinet Decision No. 75 of 2023 on the Administrative Penalties for Violations Related to the Application of Federal Decree-Law No. (47...
26 July 2023
Digital Public Consultation related to UAE Corporate Tax in Free Zones
The Ministry of Finance is launching a Digital Public Consultation for Free Zone Companies. Responses should be submitted through the form by no later than 2 August 2023.
Articles and comments
25 July 2023
Manufacturing, Processing and Distribution in the Public Consultation Document
Art 3(2)(a) of the UAE Corporate Tax Law (CTL) provides for a 0 percent tax rate for Qualifying Income. Art 18(1)(b) of this Law vests the Cabinet with authority ‘to specify’ Qualifying Income. The Cabinet in Decision No. 55/2023 ...
08 June 2023
Free Zone companies under Corporate Tax

The long-awaited Cabinet and Ministerial Decisions on how Free Zone Residents will be subject to Corporate Tax were recently published.

Cabinet Decision No 55 of 2023 determines Qualifying Income for the Qualifying Free Zone Person...