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Legal overviews
10 July 2020
Overview of tax events for June 2020

The Russian Government has included in the submitted Recovery Plan for the Russian Economy measures to make currency legislation more liberal. In particular, it is planned to give up total control over foreign trade transactions and not to...
09 July 2020
Material changes concerning administrative liability for violations of currency legislation

On 7 July the Russian State Duma adopted a law easing liability for violations of currency legislation. The law’s coming into force may make it possible not to pay the fines for previous violations or to pay such fines at a reduced...
09 July 2020
The Ministry of Labour has issued recommendations for identifying a personal interest in procurement

Pepeliaev Group advises that the Russian Ministry of Labour and Social Protection has published Guidelines for the identification of a personal interest in procurement.

08 July 2020
The Russian Government has approved the terms under which self-regulating organisations grant loans to their members

Pepeliaev Group advises that, on 8 July 2020, the Russian Government’s Resolution (the “Resolution”) came into force establishing the rules for self-regulating organisations (also the “SROs”) to grant loans to their members.
07 July 2020
The Russian Constitutional Court has limited recovery from individuals if no arrears can be recovered from a taxpayer

By its Resolution No. 32-P dated 2 July 2020 the Russian Constitutional Court has banned recovery from individuals under a civil law procedure (article 1064 of the Russian Civil Code) of damage caused to the state in the amount of arrears...

06 July 2020
Rules have been approved for granting subsidies to SMEs and socially oriented non-commercial organisations as compensation for costs on preventing COVID-19
Pepeliaev Group advises that on 2 July 2020 the Government, in its resolution No. 976, approved the rules for granting direct free-of-charge non-recurring financial aid from the government to individual categories of small and medium-sized ...
30 June 2020
The list of affected sectors has been supplemented with water-borne and rail transportation

The Government's Resolution No. 927 dated 26 June has added passenger transportation by rail (i.e. a long haul service), marine and inland water-borne transport to the list of sectors “affected” by the spread of the coronavirus infection....
29 June 2020
Review of new regional measures for tax support of owners of commercial real estate

We continue to monitor the news concerning the adoption of benefits in Russian regions with respect to property taxes for owners of real estate who are landlords. Please find below an overview table as at 29 June 2020.
29 June 2020
The Regulation on the register of socially-oriented not-for-profit organisations has been approved

As we previously advised, Russian lawmakers continue to adopt regulations aimed at clearly defining the circle of not-for-profit and religious organisations to which property can be transferred for no fee and when relevant costs can be deducted...