
Analytics and brochures

16 June 2020
Expenses of a free-of-charge transfer to not-for-profit and religious organisations

Russian lawmakers continue to adopt regulations aimed at clearly defining the circle of not-for-profit and religious organisations to which property can be transferred for no fee and when relevant costs can be deducted for profit tax purposes....

15 June 2020
The State Duma has approved additional measures aimed at supporting tenants from affected industries

Pepeliaev Group advises that three additional measures of state support have been introduced in the sphere of leasehold relationships in the context of the spread of the coronavirus.

11 June 2020
The Federal supervisory natural resources management service (known as 'Rosprirodnadzor’) has established a procedure for approving the standards for generating and the limits for disposing of waste for facilities of category I

Pepeliaev Group advises that on 6 June 2020 the Rosprirodnadzor’s Administrative Regulation (the ‘Regulation’) came into force. The Regulation establishes the procedure for approving the standards for generating and the limits ...
Articles and comments
10 June 2020
Protecting tenants of commercial property against the backlash from the covid-19 pandemic in russia and abroad
Economies across the globe have experienced the grave consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak. A long-lasting decline in business activity, remote work and in some cases even a full suspension of operations are looming for tenants and landlor...
10 June 2020
Service of the Russian Federal Tax Service concerning the release from taxes and levies for Q2 2020

The Russian Federal Tax Service has launched a special service which will tell you whether a company is released from taxes and levies for Q2 2020. 
09 June 2020
The law on granting a court instalment plan to debtors to whom moratorium applies

Pepeliaev Group advises that on 8 June 2020 the Russian President signed the new federal law No. 166-FZ on measures to ensure the stable development of the economy and to prevent the consequences of the spread of the coronavirus. Article ...

Legal overviews
08 June 2020
Overview of tax events for May 2020
A law has been passed on a unified register of information about the population of Russia. The Russian Federal Tax Service will be the register’s operator.
08 June 2020
The Russian Social Security Fund has provided its comments concerning the granting of a deferral (an instalment plan) for the payment of accident insurance contributions

The Russian Social Security Fund has explained how SMEs from the “affected” sectors and socially oriented not-for-profit organisations can obtain a deferral (an instalment plan) for the payment of contributions within the framework...
08 June 2020
The Russian Federal Tax Service has issued a reminder about the expiration of the deadline for filing applications for the April subsidy
The Russian Federal Tax Service has issued a reminder that 1 June is the last day for filing applications for the April subsidy.