
Analytics and brochures

12 May 2020
COVID-19: a new unified register of companies who own services for remote operations of businesses

Pepeliaev Group advises that a project: “Register of digital companies for business” has been launched to accumulate digital solutions to arrange remote operations of businesses.
12 May 2020
The Central Bank has simplified the procedure for issuing securities

Pepeliaev Group advises that the Central Bank has adopted a new version of the Regulations “On the standards for an issue of securities” which has simplified the procedure for issuing securities.
12 May 2020
The Russian Government has approved the general approach to providing state support measures to systemic companies

The Russian Government’s Resolution No. 651 “On measures of support for systemic companies” was adopted and published on 10 May 2020 approving the Rules for selecting companies included in the lists of systemic companies of the Russian economy...

12 May 2020
The draft law on granting a court instalment plan to debtors to whom the moratorium applies

Pepeliaev Group advises that draft law No. 953580-7 is pending its first reading in the Russian State Duma (the lower house of the Federal Assembly of Russia). Article 9 of the draft law contains provisions concerning the granting to debtors...

12 May 2020
The President’s new address: tax support measures

On 11 May the Russian President held a meeting concerning the sanitary and epidemiological situation, announcing further measures to support the population and business, and officially terminating the period of “non-working” days that had...

12 May 2020
A law on new measures supporting tenants has passed its first reading in the Russian State Duma

Pepeliaev Group advises that on 12 May 2020 the State Duma considered in the first reading draft law No. 953580-7 (the “Draft Law”) which stipulates, among other things, a tenant’s right to unilaterally withdraw from a commercial ...
08 May 2020
COVID-19: The Central Bank has advised of the deadlines for disclosures by issuers in 2020

Pepeliaev Group advises that the Bank of Russia has set final deadlines for disclosures by issuers of equity securities against the backdrop of the spread of the new coronavirus infection.
08 May 2020
How to become a participant in an online court

Pepeliaev Group advises that a number of judicial acts have been adopted to clarify the ways of participating in court hearings online (without attending the court in person).

08 May 2020
The Russian Ministry of Finance and the Russian Federal Tax Service continue to focus on issues of international taxation

Pepeliaev Group advises that: Russia has completed internal procedures necessary for beginning the use of the Multilateral Convention (MLI) with separate countries that are partners with the Russian Federation under double taxation treaties...