
Analytics and brochures

14 April 2020
The Russian Ministry of Finance has informed Luxembourg and Malta that the double taxation treaties should be amended with regard to dividend and interest income.

Pepeliaev Group advises that the Russian Ministry of Finance has sent, via diplomatic channels, notification letters to the competent authorities of Malta and Luxembourg requesting that the respective Double Taxation Treaties (“DTTs”) be ...

13 April 2020
The state has approved distance trading in medicines

Pepeliaev Group advises that a law has been adopted that allows distance trading in over-the-counter medicines, as well as in prescription medicines for the period of the pandemic/emergency.
10 April 2020
Sanctions for legal entities, their officers and individual entrepreneurs in connection with a high-alert regime being introduced

Pepeliaev Group advises that since 4 April 2020 the procedure has been determined for imposing sanctions for violating Moscow city regulations aimed at introducing and maintaining a high-alert regime in Moscow.

10 April 2020
COVID-19: a simplified procedure of buying out the shares of a public joint stock company

Pepeliaev Group advises of changes to a number of legislative provisions that we expect to be adopted to regulate a simplified procedure for acquiring the placed shares of a public limited liability company during the COVID-19 pandemic.

10 April 2020
Amendments to the rules concerning administrative liability for violations of currency legislation

Pepeliaev Group advises of the signing of Federal Law No. 72-FZ dated 1 April 2020 “On amending articles 15.25 and 23.1 of the Russian Code of Administrative Offences”.  

10 April 2020
The procedure has been regulated for operations to be carried out on residents’ accounts (deposits) in foreign financial market institutions

Pepeliaev Group advises of the publication of the Bank of Russia's Instruction No. 5371-U dated 24 December 2019 "On cases of funds being credited to accounts (deposits) of residents opened in financial market institutions located outside...

09 April 2020
COVID-19: criminal and administrative liability introduced for violations committed during special legal regimes

Pepeliaev Group advises that special types of liability have been incorporated into the Russian Criminal Code and the Russian Code of Administrative Offences for violations of legal regimes which have been or could be introduced against the...

09 April 2020
Moratorium on inspections of small and medium-sized enterprises
Pepeliaev Group advises that the amendments made to article 26.2 of Federal Law No. 294-FZ dated 1 April 2020 introduce a moratorium on inspections of small and medium-sized enterprises .
09 April 2020
A law has been adopted to protect and encourage capital investments in Russia
Pepeliaev Group advises that, starting from 1 April, Federal Law No. 69-FZ dated 1 April 2020 “On protecting and encouraging capital investments in the Russian Federation” came into force. The Law regulates relationships in terms of investm...