
Analytics and brochures

10 February 2020
Changes in the legal regulation of waste treatment

Pepeliaev Group advises that on 24 December 2019 the draft Federal Law “On amending the Federal Law 'On production and consumption waste'” with respect to requirements concerning the disposal of goods and packaging and the payment of the environmental...

Legal overviews
04 February 2020
Overview of Tax events for January 2020

Starting from 1 January 2020, it has become possible to adjust tax obligations for transactions with foreign persons further to a mutual agreement procedure. 

Articles and comments
23 January 2020
Top Sports & Entertainment Trends Around the World for 2020
In Russia, the government and sports teams are working to attract more foreign sports fans – as well as private investment. To this end, officials are – among other things – looking at relaxing visa requirements for foreigners visiting for ...
Legal overviews
09 January 2020
Overview of Tax events for December 2019

Russia has joined the new OECD procedure that allows potential disputes with multinational corporations to be settled at the pre-trial stage (International Compliance Assurance Programme (ICAP) 2.0).

24 December 2019
The Plenum of the Russian Supreme Court has adopted a resolution on liability for tax offences

Law firm Pepeliaev Group advises that, the Plenum of the Russian Supreme Court (the “Plenum”) has adopted Resolution No. 48 dated 26 November 2019 clarifying certain issues concerning criminal liability imposed under articles 198, 199, 199.1...

20 December 2019
The Plenum of the Russian Supreme Court has adopted a resolution explaining issues of interaction between state and arbitral jurisprudence

Pepeliaev Group advises that on 10 December 2019 the Russian Supreme Court adopted its Plenum’s Resolution No. 53 “On Russian courts performing assistance and control functions with respect to arbitral proceedings and international commercial...

09 December 2019
The State Duma has adopted a law on new fines in the area of personal data
Pepeliaev Group advises that on 21 November 2019 the Russian State Duma has adopted in the third reading a law establishing enormous fines for violating requirements for localising personal data in Russia.
Legal overviews
06 December 2019
Overview of Tax events for November 2019

The Russian Finance Ministry and the Federal Tax Service consider as insufficiently effective their cooperation with experts from the World Bank with respect to the tax section of the Doing Business (DB) ranking.