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Articles and comments
30 September 2019
Compliance, clear to go
The FAS of Russia has put before the State Duma a much-anticipated draft law on antitrust compliance. The current version of it contains amendments only to Federal Law No. 135-FZ “On the protection of competition” dated 26 July 2006, and the...
25 September 2019
New forms of notifications regarding foreign employees apply from 9 September 2019
Pepeliaev Group advises of a change in the forms for employers to notify the police about entering into or terminating agreements with foreign employees, and about performing the obligation to pay salary to highly qualified specialists.
Articles and comments
18 September 2019
The updated position of the Russian Federal Tax Service
Letter No. ED-4-13/15696@ “On holding companies’ beneficial ownership of income from sources in the Russian Federation” dated 8 August 2019 was published on the official website of the Russian Federal Tax Service on 13 August 2019. This letter...
17 September 2019
A draft law establishing new fines of up to 18 million roubles (approx. €255,000) in the sphere of personal data has passed its first reading in the State Duma
Pepeliaev Group advises that a draft law establishing enormous fines for violating requirements for localising personal data in Russia was adopted in the first reading on 10 September.
Legal overviews
10 September 2019
Overview of Tax events for August 2019

The Russian Ministry of Finance is proposing to change the use of tax benefits in cross-border transactions in the draft of ‘Principle lines of budget, tax, and customs and tariffs policy for 2020 - 2022’.
10 September 2019
Labelling requirements in Russia (supplements, sport nutrition and water)
Rospotrebnadzor’s proposal to introduce mandatory labelling of supplements, sport nutrition and water.
28 August 2019
The subject matter of special investment contracts, and their tax consequences, are changing
Pepeliaev Group advises that the new rules for regulating special investment contracts (SPIC 2.0) have come into force. Changes aimed at improving the taxation regime with regard to taxpayers who are SPIC participants have also been made to...
22 August 2019
Holding companies’ beneficial ownership of income: the updated position of the Russian Federal Tax Service

Letter No. ED-4-13/15696@ “On holding companies’ beneficial ownership of income from sources in the Russian Federation” dated 8 August 2019 was published on the official website of the Russian Federal Tax Service on 13 August 2019. This letter...

Legal overviews
08 August 2019
Overview of Tax events for July 2019

The Russian Ministry of Finance is planning to include grapes used for the production of wine in the list of excisable products in 2020.