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Articles and comments
02 July 2024
The UAE Tax Case Study. Definition of a Designated Zone for Corporate Tax purposes
Its definition was introduced by Ministerial Decision No. 139 of June 1, 2023. On October 27, the MoF replaced this decision with Decision No. 265. The latter does not include the definition of a Designated Zone (DZ). Read...
Articles and comments
02 July 2024
The UAE Tax Case Study. Ancillary and Main Activity: how to distinguish between them and why?
The FTA’s Free Zone Persons Guide provides substantial input in obtaining clarity. However, some clarifications requires further details. Specifically, the Guide addresses how to distinguish between a main Qualifying Activity from ancillary...
Articles and comments
25 June 2024
The UAE Tax Case Study. How an upgrade and customization of the software affect 0% Corporate Tax rate?
The subject of this study is the distribution of customized or upgraded software solutions. Income generated from copyrighted software may qualify for the 0% Corporate Tax rate. Read more in the article of Andrey Nikonov, Senior Partner,...
Articles and comments
20 June 2024
The UAE Tax Case Study. VAT on providing advertising space in social media platforms
In this study, we delve into VAT issues related to e-advertisements, using social media ad platforms to demonstrate the case. The focus is on applying the place of use and enjoyment rule. As usual, we utilize international case law and administrative...
Articles and comments
21 May 2024
The UAE Tax Case Study. Overview of the Corporate Tax Guide CTGIFM1: Investment Funds and Managers
While we delve deeper into the nuances and detailed examples provided by the FTA, we wanted to share a recent alert on the Corporate Tax Guide concerning Investment Funds and Managers. Read more in the article of Andrey Nikonov, Senior...
Articles and comments
21 May 2024
The UAE Tax Case Study. VAT on operations with debts
This study explores VAT challenges in the UAE related to debt transfer operations. EU legislation, relevant case law, and guidance from HMRC and Irish Revenue are used to provide clarity in areas where UAE regulations are not explicit. Read...
Articles and comments
15 May 2024
The UAE Tax Case Study. VAT for services actually performed abroad
One company provides services to another company. Both are the UAE residents and have no foreign establishments. The services are actually performed abroad. Shall they be zero-rated? Read more in the article of Andrey Nikonov, Senior Partner,...
Articles and comments
18 April 2024
The UAE Tax Case Study. Directors’ remuneration: taxable or not?
The director’s fee is exempt from VAT in the UAE by virtue of special rule. There is no such rule in the Corporate Tax legislation. The Guide from the FTA gives hope but they are accompanied by the reservation and reference to a case by case...