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Article (20)(5)(a) of the Corporate Tax Law  authorizes the MoF to ‘prescribe … the circumstances and conditions under which a Person may prepare financial statements using the cash basis of accounting’. On May 9, 2023 the MoF exercised this authority in Decision No. 114 allowing to ‘prepare Financial Statements using the Cash Basis of Accounting, in any of the following instances: 1. Where the Person derives Revenue that does not exceed AED 3,000,000. 2. In exceptional circumstances and pursuant to an application submitted by the Person to the Authority’. What else do we know about this cash method? 

A draft federal law has been put before the State Duma toughening liability under certain aggravating bodies of a crime under articles 204.2 and article 291.2 of the Russian Criminal Code. The confiscation of property is also introduced under such bodies of crime.

The law on the “linear amnesty” has come into force. The Law was adopted in pursuance of the Russian President's instruction No. Pr-1842 dated 12 November 2020 to develop mechanisms for the registration of rights to infrastructure lines created before the modern legal system of city-planning regulation appeared.

The Russian Ministry of Justice has drafted an official review of the Russian Government with respect to the draft of the federal law “On amending the Russian Code of Administrative Offences” submitted to the State Duma by Russian senators A.A. Turchak and I.V. Rukavishnikova, as well as deputy of the State Duma A.E. Hinshtein. The concept of the draft law has been supported, but there are a number of remarks on the amendments proposed.

The practice of conducting tax audits aimed at reclassifying advertising and marketing services provided to foreign companies has spread.
On 1 September 2023, the Russian Government’s Resolution entered into force concerning the criteria for structures and constructions to be classed as facilities of auxiliary use.
Pepeliaev Group has been ranked among the top 5 methodologists in the field of tax monitoring according to Market.CNews
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Pepeliaev Group at the St Petersburg Legal Summit 2024
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Pepeliaev Group and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea have renewed their cooperation agreement
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