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Pepeliaev Group advises that the new Regulation No. 408-P  of the Central Bank of Russia (“CBR”) comes into force on January 31, 2014. This establishes a new procedure for the CBR to approve candidates for management positions at banks, as well as to attest to the business reputation of Board members and shareholders holding more that 10% of the shares in the bank in question.
Pepeliaev Group advises that the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare (Roszdravnadzor) has issued Letter No. 16I-1595/13 “On informing Roszdravnadzor about holding scientific or other events” (the “Letter”).
Pepeliaev Group advises that the following laws have been adopted: No. 426-FZ “On special evaluation of work conditions” dated 28 December 2013 (the “Law on Special Evaluation”) and the law amending certain other federal laws including the Labour Code and the Code of Administrative Offences in connection with special evaluation of work conditions being introduced (No. 421-FZ “Law on Amendments” dated 28 December 2013).
Pepeliaev Group advises that on 28 November 2013 the Russian Government approved, through Order No. 1086, Rules to create a list of medicines to be purchased under their trade name (the “Rules”). These Rules determine the procedure for medicines to be included in the relevant list (the “List”).
Pepeliaev Group advises that on 25 November 2013 the President signed Law No. 317-FZ “On amending certain pieces of legislation of the Russian Federation and repealing certain provisions of Russian legislative acts regarding the protection of public health in the Russian Federation”.
VAT and bonuses: practice of the Federal Commercial (‘Arbitration’) Court for the Moscow Circuit
Yulia Litovtseva has been shortlisted by the research project “The 100 most influential persons in bankruptcy in 2024-2025”
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Pepeliaev Group’s Far East Office has arranged a seminar for Korean business
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Pepeliaev Group has topped three categories of the rating compiled by Expert RA agency
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