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From 1 September 2023, it will be mandatory to label with means of identification biologically active supplements, skin sanitisers, individual types of medical products, and other goods.

The Russian Constitutional Court has adopted Resolution No. 30-P dated 5 June 2023. The Constitutional Court has checked whether article 35(2) of the Bankruptcy Law complies with the Constitution to the extent of how in legal practice the right was not recognised of an insurance company to participate in a dispute regarding the acts or omissions of a court-appointed administrator where no claim for losses to be recovered from the administrator has been asserted.

The Plenum of the Russian Supreme Court has adopted Resolution No. 15 dated 1 June 2023 dedicated to provisional remedies. At the same time, resolution No. 55 of the Plenum of the Supreme Commercial Court dated 12 October 2006 “On how commercial courts apply provisional remedies” has been repealed.

Order No. 86n of the Russian Ministry of Finance dated 5 June 2023 has been published. It significantly expands the List of states and territories providing a preferential tax regime and/or not providing for disclosure and the provision of information during financial transactions (offshore zones).

The long-awaited Cabinet and Ministerial Decisions on how Free Zone Residents will be subject to Corporate Tax were recently published.

Cabinet Decision No 55 of 2023 determines Qualifying Income for the Qualifying Free Zone Person for the purposes of Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses. Ministerial Decision No. 139 of 2023 disclosures Qualifying Activities and Excluded Activities.

We prepared a newsletter on how Free Zone Residents will be subject to Corporate Tax.

The Russian Federal Tax Service has launched a new service for searching for information regarding controlling persons who have been held liable under civil law. 
Pepeliaev Group at the St Petersburg Legal Summit 2024
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Pepeliaev Group and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea have renewed their cooperation agreement
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Pepeliaev Group's delegation has visited Beijing and Shenzhen on a business mission
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