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An experiment started on 1 March 2023 regarding distance trade in prescription medicines.

Further to the President’s Decree No. 138 dated 3 March 2023[1] (Decree No. 138), a special procedure has been established for performing transactions with Russian securities purchased from ‘hostile’ non-residents.

Resolution No. 191 of the Russian Government  Federationdated 10 February 2023 has been adopted. It has introduced material changes in the Rules for assessing the amount of rent for lands owned by the Russian.
Pepeliaev Group advises that a law  has been signed that provides for a detailed privatisation procedure for premises owned by the state or municipalities that are the sole premises used for ensuring access to other premises in a building or structure.  
Pepeliaev Group advises that on 11 January 2023 a Federal Law came into force that expands the opportunities for the state’s special right to be used to participate in the corporate governance of companies (a “golden share”).
Resolution of the Russian Government has been adopted that has amended the procedure for organising and conducting state control (supervision), and municipal control.
Pepeliaev Group has been ranked among the top 5 methodologists in the field of tax monitoring according to Market.CNews
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Pepeliaev Group at the St Petersburg Legal Summit 2024
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Pepeliaev Group and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea have renewed their cooperation agreement
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