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Pepeliaev Group advises that in its Resolution No. 1587 “On extending the moratorium for initiating bankruptcy cases further to applications of creditors with respect to individual debtors” dated 1 October 2020 the Russian Government (the “Government”) has extended until 7 January 2021 the moratorium for initiating bankruptcy proceedings further to creditors’ requests as stipulated by article 9.1 of the Law on Bankruptcy . 

In its Letter No. SD-4-3/13046@ dated 13 August 2020, the Russian Federal Tax Service cited the earlier position of the Russian Ministry of Finance and affirmed that companies’ expenses on the purchase of individual and collective protection gear (antiseptic products, thermometers, masks and gloves), as well as expenses on the sanitation of premises may be deducted for taxation purposes under articles 264 and 252 of the Russian Tax Code 

Pepeliaev Group advises that the new specifics of regulating corporate relationships in 2020 have been established.

In its Letter No. 02-09-11/12-05-19094 dated 5 August, the Russian Social Security Fund explained the rules for reimbursing expenses to prevent the coronavirus (COVID-19) using accident insurance contributions.

On the website of the federal portal of draft regulatory legal acts, a draft resolution of the Russian government has been published proposing that the period for accepting applications be extended up to 15 September 2020. The extension is explained by the fact that only 50 % of the budgetary funds allocated in an amount of RUB 20 billion have been disbursed.

The Russian Government’s Resolution No. 1032 dated 11 July 2020 introduced amendments to the support measures for socially oriented non-for-profit organisations which were ‘adversely affected’ by the coronavirus restrictions.

Pepeliaev Group at the St Petersburg Legal Summit 2024
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Pepeliaev Group and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea have renewed their cooperation agreement
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Pepeliaev Group's delegation has visited Beijing and Shenzhen on a business mission
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