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Resolution No. 460 of the Russian Government dated 8 April 2020 “On approving the Temporary rules for the registration of individuals for the purposes of searching for suitable employment and as unemployed, and for paying social benefits to individuals properly registered as unemployed” has changed the timeframe for filing the SZV-TD form when an employee is dismissed or hired. Now this form must be filed not later than on the next business day after the corresponding order has been issued. This rule has come into effect on 9 April 2020.

On 3 April 2020, the OECD Secretariat published recommendations concerning the procedure for applying international double tax treaties in the context of restrictions imposed by governments and aimed at preventing the spread of the COVID-19 infection. 

After Order No.239 of the Russian President dated 2 April 2020 was issued to extend the period of non-working days, the websites of many state commercial courts posted information that documents the courts received via the My Arbitrator electronic system, as well as by post, during the period of non-working days would not be accepted, processed and registered. Many courts have almost entirely suspended their activities. 

Pepeliaev Group advises that the Russian Government has adopted its Resolution No. 419 dated 2 April 2020 “On the implementation of Decision No. 21 of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated 16 March 2020 and on amending the List of medical goods whose sale within the Russian Federation and import into the Russian Federation and other territories falling under its jurisdiction are not subject to (are exempt from the application of) VAT”.

On 7 April, Federal Law No. 119-FZ dated 7 April 2020 “On amending articles 25 and 25.6 of Federal Law ‘On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering into the Russian Federation’ and articles 5 and 16 of Federal Law ‘On the legal status of foreign nationals in the Russian Federation’” was published.

Pepeliaev Group advises that the Russian Ministry of Economic Development is developing a draft law to expand benefits for residents of Special Administrative Regions (SARs).

Pepeliaev Group has been ranked among the top 5 methodologists in the field of tax monitoring according to Market.CNews
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Pepeliaev Group at the St Petersburg Legal Summit 2024
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Pepeliaev Group and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea have renewed their cooperation agreement
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