The main provisions of the draft law, which concerns personal income tax and insurance contributions and has been submitted to the State Duma by the Russian Government.
The provisions of a draft law that concern taxes on entrepreneurial activity and property taxation and has been submitted to the State Duma by the Russian Government.
On 6 May 2024, the Federal Law “On Amending the Federal Law ‘On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)’ and article 223 of the Russian Commercial Procedural Code” (the “Law”) was passed in the third reading.
On 16 April 2024, Resolutions of the Bank of Russia's Board of Directors were published establishing the list of information and of documents for holders of Russian securities (Eurobonds) to receive funds from type ‘C’ accounts of a foreign nominal holder and a foreign payment agent.
Since 15 April 2024, amendments have come into force to Federal Law No. 73-FZ «On cultural heritage sites of the peoples of the Russian Federation» dated 25 June 2002.
Pepeliaev Group's experts have recorded an original course in tax law for the Legal Academy Read more
Yulia Litovtseva has been shortlisted by the research project “The 100 most influential persons in bankruptcy in 2024-2025” Read more
Pepeliaev Group’s Far East Office has arranged a seminar for Korean business Read more
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