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Pepeliaev Group law firm advises that a number of amendments to Federal Law No. 214-FZ dated 30 December 2004 (“Law No. 214-FZ”) have come into effect regarding participation in the shared-equity construction of apartment buildings and other real estate, as have amendments to other regulatory acts.
Pepeliaev Group advises that on 17 June 2019 amendments took effect. They include changing the text and supplementing articles 8.2 and 8.4 with new provisions as well as introducing new heads of administrative offences (8.51 and 8.411) in the area of handling production and consumption waste. 
Pepeliaev Group advises that the new Rules of mandatory medical insurance approved by Order No. 108n of the Russian Ministry of Health dated 28 February 2018 have come into force. 
Pepeliaev Group advises that the State Duma has adopted a set of laws extending until 29 February 2020 the period of the voluntary reporting of individual types of activity and accounts in foreign banks.
Pepeliaev Group advises that the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (“MLI”) has been ratified.
Law firm Pepeliaev Group advises that on 1 May 2019, the Russian Government’s Resolution No. 480 dated 22 April 2019 comes into effect. Resolution No. 480 establishes criteria which, when met, allow a developer to raise funds from the participants in shared-equity construction without escrow accounts being used.
Pepeliaev Group at the St Petersburg Legal Summit 2024
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Pepeliaev Group and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea have renewed their cooperation agreement
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Pepeliaev Group's delegation has visited Beijing and Shenzhen on a business mission
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