
Analytics and brochures

Pepeliaev Group advises that the President of the Russian Federation has signed Federal Law No. 489-FZ dated 25 December 2018, which significantly changes the status of clinical guidelines.
Pepeliaev Group advises that, starting from 1 January 2019, the form of the application is introduced for obtaining a comprehensive environmental permit along with the form of the comprehensive environmental permit.

Law firm Pepeliaev Group advises that, on 5 December 2018 the Supreme Court issued an overview of the practice of courts which considered cases relating to an employee’s financial liability (the “Overview”).

Law firm Pepeliaev Group advises of the public consultation concerning the draft law proposed by the Russian Government to introduce legal regulation of activity involving the emission of pollutants classified as greenhouse gases.
Pepeliaev Group advises that a public consultation is currently being held with regard to the draft law prepared by the Russian Ministry for the Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources. The draft law provides for a fundamentally new definition of the item that is subject to a state environmental expert review as well as certain other changes in the legal regulation of a state environmental expert review. 
Transformation of environmental charges
11 min read

Pepeliaev Group advises that a draft law has been made available for public discussion. This draft law provides for the charge for a negative environmental impact to be replaced with an environmental tax, and for environmental and recycling fees to be replaced with a recycling fee, with the new payments being introduced into the Russian Tax Code.

Pepeliaev Group at the St Petersburg Legal Summit 2024
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Pepeliaev Group and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea have renewed their cooperation agreement
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Pepeliaev Group's delegation has visited Beijing and Shenzhen on a business mission
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