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The economic sanctions imposed, together with other restrictive measures, have caused a surge in prices of many food items and socially important goods. Consequently, the number of applications from citizens to the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service has increased, including at the level of the country’s regions. In order to identify violations in pricing and to counter the actions of bad-faith business entities in a more efficient and timely manner, amendments to antimonopoly legislation have been devised. Elena Sokolovskaya, Pepeliaev Group’s Partner, considers in her article the proposed tool for pricing control.
Against the background of sanctions and the current economic situation, the sphere of pricing requires maximum attention. The primary task of the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service (commonly abbreviated to the ‘FAS Russia’) is to prevent artificially inflated prices. Elena Sokolovskaya, partner at Pepeliaev Group, will review how and with what tools the state authority identifies and clamps down on these violations.
It has been more than a year since the Plenum of the Russian Supreme Court adopted Resolution No. 2 “On certain issues resulting from the courts applying antimonopoly legislation” dated 4 March 2021 (the “Resolution”). It is time to assess how the approaches to proving cartel agreements have changed and what provisions of the above document are the most cited by the courts. Read more in the article of Elena Sokolovskaya, Pepeliaev Group’s partner.
Independent Russian law firms are experiencing a surge of work as corporations seek to limit their exposure to Russia at the same time as international law firms are closing down their Moscow operations.
Undercover business
7 min read
China has stormed into the ranks of the leading countries in terms of foreign investment in the Russian economy. According to independent research, China is the second-largest source of direct investments in Russia. The legal culture in China is very different from that in Russia and it is impossible to do business without knowing Russian law. Pepeliaev Group, a leading Russian law firm, has actively been working with Chinese clients since 2014, offering them the full range of legal services together with the support of a specialized department, the Chinese Desk. The firm has representative offices in Beijing and Shanghai and regularly organizes business missions to China. Over the years, the firm has developed specific strategies and practices for providing legal support to Chinese investors in Russia. Pepeliaev Group's senior partner Rustem Akhmetshin, partners Natalia Stenina and Ilya Bolotnov explain what aspects Chinese entrepreneurs should pay attention to if they are interested in building a successful business in Russia.
Marked “confidential”
7 min read
When the antimonopoly authority examines a case at the pre-trial stage, the balance of the parties’ interests should be maintained. However, it is fairly difficult to achieve such balance in practice. The above specifically concerns defendants who may have difficulties with obtaining access to information in the case and, therefore, ensuring that their rights are protected effectively. Only adjusting law enforcement approaches will help a whole range of issues in this sphere to be settled, says Elena Sokolovskaya, a partner at "Pepeliaev Group".

Pepeliaev Group at the St Petersburg Legal Summit 2024
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Pepeliaev Group and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea have renewed their cooperation agreement
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Pepeliaev Group's delegation has visited Beijing and Shenzhen on a business mission
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