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L&E Global Employment Law Tracker. January
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Russia: Moscow Trilateral Agreement for 2022-2024
The regional 2022-2024 agreement for Moscow provides for a wide range of obligations for employers. Employers may refuse to join the agreement fully or in-part, by submitting a motivated refusal by 9 February 2022. »
Digital principles
3 min read
The Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service (‘FAS’) has identified key principles of good faith conduct for participants in online platforms. It is assumed that a platform will mitigate antitrust risks by following these principles. What is this soft-touch regulation tool based on and how is it going to be used? Elena Sokolovskaya, partner at Pepeliaev Group, explains.

  Moscow and other regions of Russia are stepping up measures to increase the vaccination rate of the population against COVID-19. Read more in the article of Anna Berlina, Head of Group, Employment and Migration Law Practice at Pepeliaev Group.

  Due to an increase in COVID-19 infections nationwide, the President recently announced a period of non-working days in Russia during the period from 28 October 2021 to 7 November 2021. Read more in the article of Anna Berlina, Head of Group, Employment and Migration Law Practice at Pepeliaev Group.
Compliance guideline
5 min read
The Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (the FAS of Russia) has issued a clarification of the procedure for implementing compliance systems. This will help business to build an efficient mechanism for preventing antimonopoly risks, which includes drawing up internal regulations correctly. However, the key issue that remains open is whether the regulator will take response measures only based on the fact that a company’s compliance documents contain provisions that contradict the legislation.
In July 2021, the Ministry of Labour and the Federal State Agency for Health and Consumer Rights issued a joint letter on the rules of employee vaccination.

Pepeliaev Group at the St Petersburg Legal Summit 2024
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Pepeliaev Group and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea have renewed their cooperation agreement
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Pepeliaev Group's delegation has visited Beijing and Shenzhen on a business mission
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