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On standards of proof
3 min read
Thirteen years ago, simultaneously with Federal Law No. 135-FZ dated 26 July 2006 “On the protection of competition” taking effect, the institution of collective dominance was introduced. It aims to solve issues arising on oligopolistic markets. Today, collective dominance is applied more widely in Russia than in the EU, where it is used for a prospective analysis within assessments of economic concentration transactions. Ironically, in the U.S.A., the homeland of antitrust regulation, there is no such tool at all. An examination of Russian practice casts doubt on the model of how this institution is applied.

Are you planning to hire an expatriate or are you a foreign national planning to work in Russia? In any case, it will be helpful to think about the issues discussed in this article before accepting a job in Russia.  

Today in most countries, Russia is perceived as a country with a lagging legal and economic system in which all disputes and disagreements are resolved by force and power. However, this is just a stereotype that has nothing to do with reality. Mediation in Russia has been known since ancient times. Over the centuries, the conciliation procedures in Russia have undergone great changes and have passed on their own unique way of development – from the rite of the Slavs «twinning» to mediation in its modern sense. At the same time, the development of mediation in Russia has its own characteristics associated with the size of its territory, a well-built structure of power, the multi-ethnic nature of its people with their distinctive cultural characteristics, and the presence of centuries-old close political, economic, and cultural ties with a large number of countries connected to the borders of Russia, which have brought their own special European, Asian and Eastern way of life and thinking to the country. 
There have been significant changes to the way electronic services are taxed in Russia. Anton Nikiforov of Pepeliaev Group discusses the challenges that foreign companies face and how these challenges can be overcome.
Registering trade marks in Russia
11 min read
21 F.A.Q.
Are there different types of trade marks? Must you obtain a trade mark registration in order to have trade mark rights? Are there different standards for registering different types of marks? What are the requirements to register a trade mark? etc.
Competence beyond borders
3 min read
The global nature of business processes and the potential threat of anti-competitive practices of foreign entities on EAEU markets is driving the need to expand the EEC’s powers. It appears advisable to confer the right on the Commission to investigate antitrust cases involving companies registered outside the Union.
Pepeliaev Group has been ranked among the top 5 methodologists in the field of tax monitoring according to Market.CNews
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Pepeliaev Group at the St Petersburg Legal Summit 2024
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Pepeliaev Group and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea have renewed their cooperation agreement
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