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Chambers Europe. Life Science
7 min read
With its population of more than 140 million people, Russia is currently among the world’s largest markets for pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Recent years have been marked by a rapid growth in these sectors that has given rise to new opportunities for domestic and international businesses.
Russian antimonopoly legislation has been radically overhauled over recent years, which can be put down to the comprehensive change in the country's economy. Due to the fact that antimonopoly legislation depends on economic changes, it is forced to transform alongside the economy. We can pinpoint main milestones of the development of modern antimonopoly legislation which have taken form of so-called “antimonopoly packages”.
Au cours des trois dernières années, les pays-membres de l’Union douanière ont travaillé à l’élabora on d’amendements et d’annexes au Code des douanes communautaire. Les représentants de la Communauté économique eurasienne (EurAsEc) ont approuvé le projet, conforme au protocole.
B2B: A Look at Compliance in Russia
4 min read
In today's Russia, where the authorities actively use administrative resources to regulate business processes, interaction with state and local administrative authorities is an important component of a successful business.
State procurement has always been one of the most problematic areas in Russia, as evidenced by the considerable criticism attracted by the previous law in this area. In force for eight years, the old law was regarded as being rather vague in a number of ways, so was replaced by the new law No. 44-FZ "On the contractual system." This came into force in January 2014 and may cast a new light on the Russian public procurement system.
The Russian government has set for itself improvement of the investment and business climate in the country as its primary goal. A fairly wide range of measures and efforts are being taken with this in mind, not least in cooperating with investors and the business community.
Pepeliaev Group at the St Petersburg Legal Summit 2024
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Pepeliaev Group and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea have renewed their cooperation agreement
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Pepeliaev Group's delegation has visited Beijing and Shenzhen on a business mission
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