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This study explores VAT challenges in the UAE related to debt transfer operations. EU legislation, relevant case law, and guidance from HMRC and Irish Revenue are used to provide clarity in areas where UAE regulations are not explicit. Read more in the article of Andrey Nikonov, Senior Partner.
One company provides services to another company. Both are the UAE residents and have no foreign establishments. The services are actually performed abroad. Shall they be zero-rated? Read more in the article of Andrey Nikonov, Senior Partner, and Maria Nikonova, Partner.
The director’s fee is exempt from VAT in the UAE by virtue of special rule. There is no such rule in the Corporate Tax legislation. The Guide from the FTA gives hope but they are accompanied by the reservation and reference to a case by case resolution. The situation where a director serves for several companies makes things worse. How the risk may be mitigated? Find our view in the case study. Read more in the article of Andrey Nikonov, Senior Partner, and Maria Nikonova, Partner.
Marketplaces are in the crosshairs
6 min read
Different countries are searching for ways to safeguard competition in the field of e-commerce and reduce the risk of monopolisation. Russia is no exception. The recent trend is to shift from self-regulation of e-commerce to more stringent regulation. Pepeliaev Group’s partner Elena Sokolovskaya considers one of the initiatives whereby bans and obligations for marketplaces are proposed to be introduced.
 On 1 January 2024, most provisions of Federal Law No. 451-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law ‘On Production and Consumption Waste’ and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” (Law No. 451-FZ) came into force. This law reformed the extended producer and importer responsibility (EPR) institution. The legislator has given EPR organizations the opportunity to adapt to the new regulation. To this end, Law No. 451-FZ includes transitional provisions, the content of which can be summarized as follows: in 2024, EPR organizations will file reports according to the previous rules with certain modifications. Read more in the article of Olga Yadrikhinskaya, senior associate at Pepeliaev Group.
The Saudi Regional Headquarters may enjoy the zero rate Income Tax in the Kingdom. No withholding on dividends, as well. May its parent company in the UAE mainland enjoy the Participation Exemption? The latter is applicable only if the Participation is subject to the rate of 9% or higher. We delve into it in this Case Study. Read more in the article of Andrey Nikonov, Senior Partner, and Maria Nikonova, Partner.
Pepeliaev Group at the St Petersburg Legal Summit 2024
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Pepeliaev Group and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea have renewed their cooperation agreement
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Pepeliaev Group's delegation has visited Beijing and Shenzhen on a business mission
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