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Russian migration policy traditionally aims to meet two opposing objectives.
M&A Trends in Russia
4 min read
Choosing Russian law as governing law for M&A transaction as a trend in M&A activity has recently been discussed widely in the context of the state’s proclaimed policy to this effect.  This trend could be set in motion in the context of the government’s de-offshorization policy in conjunction with plans to privatize state-owned assets. 
Major foreign trading companies have been active on the Russian market for more than 15 years. With them, they have brought Western standards of doing business, including, among other things, offering financial incentives to distributors and stores in the form of bonuses, premiums and retrospective discounts.
During 2012 there were a number of changes in the sphere of HR from the employment law standpoint. Among the upheaval, some key trends became evident in HR-related regulation and law-enforcement practice.
The Russian Supreme Commercial Court’s approach to the landlord and tenant sector is marked by its balance. In its attempts to tailor its approach to the developing practice on the Russian market, the Court is trying to meet the needs of both tenants and landlords.  
Ten years ago the new Russian Labour Code came into force, replacing the old Soviet-style “KZoT” (Code of Labour Laws). This was a new dawn for employment relationships in Russia. Since then, practicing labour lawyers and HR specialists have witnessed far more dramatic developments and modernization in the sphere than in the preceding 30 years or more.
Pepeliaev Group at the St Petersburg Legal Summit 2024
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Pepeliaev Group and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea have renewed their cooperation agreement
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Pepeliaev Group's delegation has visited Beijing and Shenzhen on a business mission
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