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Customs Issues For Car Manufacturers
2 min read
The coming into force of the Customs Code of the Customs Union on 6 July, 2010 meant that a single customs territory was formed, uniting the territories of the Customs Union member states.
Russia and the WTO
1 min read
Over the 18 years of Russia's negotiations with the WTO and its members, discussions
have occurred in society from time to time regarding the implications of this event for the
country's economy.

The investment climate in Russia has suffered for years as a result of the undue complexity and bureaucracy faced by the foreign business community when hiring foreigners. However, on July 1, 2010, Russia cut through this red tape. It introduced a simplified procedure for obtaining employment-related migration permits when hiring highly qualified foreign specialists.

The first half of 2012 has been low key in terms of the further development of IP legislation. That said, work has continued on the amendments to the Russian Civil Code, with the corresponding draft law passed in its second reading.
Rostec up for sale
Rostec up for sale
Pepeliaev Group has been ranked among the top 5 methodologists in the field of tax monitoring according to Market.CNews
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Pepeliaev Group at the St Petersburg Legal Summit 2024
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Pepeliaev Group and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea have renewed their cooperation agreement
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