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In September 2022, amendments came into force to the Law on Advertising that have fundamentally changed the format of control over advertising on the Internet and have introduced a recording system for it. Since then, the torrent of questions from market players regarding the application of the updated legislation has only been increasing. Elena Sokolovskaya, partner at Pepeliaev Group, will point out the main issues and analyse the approaches to contentious situations used by the regulators (the Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and the Mass Media and the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service).
New anti-cartel tools
6 min read
Two draft laws that the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service developed to toughen criminal and administrative liability for the entry into, and being a party to, a cartel waited in the wings for three years. The State Duma adopted them in the first reading in December 2022. How will the anti-cartel article in the Russian Criminal Code (the “Criminal Code”) and the programme of release from liability change, and what fines will be imposed for impeding antitrust inspections? Read more in the article of Elena Sokolovskaya, Pepeliaev Group’s partner.
The set of documents which help businesses devise an efficient compliance system and understand the process of its implementation will be updated with a new national standard. It will come into effect starting from 2023 and is aimed at creating unified rules and procedures when companies implement tools for preventing antimonopoly risks. Elena Sokolovskaya, partner at Pepeliaev Group, will review, what does the standard offer, and what questions arise owing to it being adopted.
The digital package
6 min read
The role of digital companies and platforms in the modern market economy has greatly increased. They began to occupy dominant positions, influence the real sector, which in turn increases the risks for competition. In order to reduce them, the fifth set of antitrust amendments has been developed. Elena Sokolovskaya, partner at Pepeliaev Group, will consider the most significant new developments.
The issue of whether parallel import may be made legal in Russia has been discussed over the past several years. However, since the beginning of March the mere discussion has transformed into practical effort, i.e. the following regulations were successively adopted: Federal Law No. 46-FZ dated 8 March 2022 (“46-FZ”), the Government’s Resolution No. 506-PP dated 29 March 2022 (“506-PP”) and Order No. 1532 of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade dated 19 April 2022 (was registered with the Russian Ministry of Justice on 6 May 2022 and has undergone two iterations since that time, the last of which came into force on 7 August 2022). Please find details in the article of Konstantin Sharlovskiy, Head of the Life Sciences Practice, Pepeliaev Group.
Pepeliaev Group at the St Petersburg Legal Summit 2024
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Pepeliaev Group and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea have renewed their cooperation agreement
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Pepeliaev Group's delegation has visited Beijing and Shenzhen on a business mission
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