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Russia has approved a Draft Protocol to amend the Convention between the governments of Russia and Sweden on the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income. 

The Chairman of the Russian Government (the “Government”) has signed a resolution assigning the status of ‘priority development territories’ to 19 single-industry towns (known in Russia as 'monotowns') in Russia. Now, out of 319 monotowns in Russia, 59 have the status of a Priority Social and Economic Development Area.

The second wave of the amnesty of capital in Russia will last from 1 March this year until the end of February 2019. The Russian President has signed the relevant laws No. 33-FZ, No. 34-FZ and No. 35-FZ.

Overview of tax events for January 2018
2 min read

Russia has approved a draft Protocol to amend the Convention between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Belgium on the avoidance of double taxation and prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and property. 
The Russian President has signed Federal Law No. 436-FZ dated 28 December 2017, which specifies the procedure for the taxation of controlled foreign companies. Moreover, property tax debt of individuals in place as at 1 January 2015 will be written off.

The Russian President has signed a number of tax laws.