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The Russian President has signed amendments to the Russian Tax Code (Federal Law No. 382-FZ dated 29 November 2014), according to which Moscow, St Petersburg and Sevastopol may introduce a sales tax from 1 July 2015. The rate of the sales tax will be set by the cities themselves depending on the sales outlet or its area. Taxpayers will be able to deduct the sales tax from the profit tax they pay.
No. 348-FZ "On amending part one of the Russian Tax Code". Russia will have a system of proactive tax control (so-called tax monitoring) for major organisations,
Federal Law No. 308-FZ "On amending the Russian Criminal Procedure Code" dated 22 October 2014 has been signed. Russian investigators have the right to initiate criminal cases with regard to tax crimes at their own discretion (without the tax authorities having to issue a decision to this effect).