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The Russian President has signed a number of laws, including on simplifying the procurement procedure for Russian products, on specific aspects of regulating corporate relationships in economically significant companies and on establishing differentiated fines for obstructing anti-cartel inspections.
Economically significant companies will be fined for a breach of requirements in the sphere of corporate relationships; information security services from hostile states have been banned; the list of resources where it is prohibited to place advertisements may be expanded.

The temporary procedure has been established for performing transactions aimed at acquiring exclusive rights to use IP / means of identification from hostile states; The Government will determine the rules for damage to be compensated in connection with hostile actions of the USA; the specifics of state control have been adjusted.

The requirements have been updated for how residents make contributions to the issued capital of foreign companies; amendments have been proposed to the specifics of conducting state control; the use has been postponed of the State Information System of Electronic Shipping Documents for making a reservation during international haulage.