

1. How is the procedure of considering CVs taken forward?

HR specialists analyse all incoming CVs and save them in our firm's database. If a CV potentially fits the job description of an open vacancy, the HR specials contacts the candidate by phone. In all other cases, we do not contact candidate personally until an appropriate opportunity arises show up. 

2. How are candidates selected?

Selection stages for open vacancies (may vary):
  • Interview with HR specialist
  • Written test (case, assignment) sent by the HR specialist.
  • Interview with an immediate superior.

3. What level of English language is necessary?
Your knowledge of English should be not less than Upper Intermediate, provided that there are no other requirements regarding language skills in the job description.

4. Should I contact an HR specialist in the firm if I have received no feedback on my CV?
You may always contact an HR specialist to clarify the status of your candidacy. Please also pay attention to the standard procedure described here in point one. 

5. What career opportunities offers Pepeliaev Group?

Pepeliaev Group appreciates talented specialists  seeking development and offers career and professional advancement. Our firm encourages the pursuit of knowledge. We arrange internal as well as external training programmes, and we actively participate in seminars, forums and conferences.

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