
Krasnoyarsk office of Pepeliaev Group

>10 years

the Siberian office has been assisting business with resolving day-to-day issues and with complex projects

>20 years

is the work experience of the office’s employees

Krasnoyarsk Irkutsk Чита Ulan-Ude Tomsk Novosibirsk Kyzyl Barnaul Kemerovo Abakan Omsk

Practice areas and legal services

The lawyers of Pepeliaev Group’s Siberian office closely cooperate with other practice areas in the firm, which allows us to provide legal assistance with any legal issues.

  • Tax Practice

    Advising on taxation issues, supporting companies and entrepreneurs during pre-audit tax control events and tax audits, when tax claims are settled out of court and in court disputes with tax authorities

  • Supporting investment projects

    Providing legal support to investor companies, assisting with selecting an investment regime, advising on the application of regional tax incentives, etc.

  • Environmental Practice

    Advising on the issues of industrial safety, waste disposal, environmental charges, damage to the environment, installing sanitary protection areas of production facilities as well as on issues of land use, mineral resource use, etc. Litigation

  • Civil-law Dispute Practice

    Advising on civil-law issues, drafting contracts, analysing contracts that have been concluded, handling pre-trial claims, and providing legal representation in courts.

  • Employment Practice

    Drafting legal opinions on various employment issues, analysing and developing internal regulations and employment agreements, supporting staffing measures and representing clients in courts.


Lawyers from Pepeliaev Group’s Siberian Office safeguarded our client’s interests in a major dispute with the prosecutor’s office for the environment
A team from our Siberian Office represented the interests of a large Siberian mining company in the court of appeal. Within the framework of the dispute, the prosecutor’s office for the environment demanded that RUB 827 million be collected from the client in connection with the production of coal on an agricultural land plot.
Lawyers from the Siberian Office have helped a client to preserve more than RUB 4 billion
Lawyers from Pepeliaev Group’s Siberian Office have helped a developer to prepare a legal position to defend in court against a claim of the Federal Supervisory Natural Resources Management Service (abbreviated in Russian as ‘Rosprirodnadzor’) to collect more than RUB 4 billion as compensation for damage.
Legal support in a dispute concerning the collection of environmental fees in the appeal and cassation courts
The project is unique owing to the amount of the fee being recovered from the enterprise for the discharge of a pollutant, which was not actually discharged.


Egor Lysenko
Egor Lysenko
The Head of the Siberian Office

Egor Lysenko has been the Head of the Siberian Office since it was established. He specialises in tax law and is an expert in the application of special investment regimes.

Юлия Юрченко
Yulia Yurchenko
Head of Ecology Group, Krasnoyarsk

Yulia has, for more than 15 years, specialised in tax and environmental law.

She is experienced in resolving complex issues connected with legislation on VAT and corporate profit tax, and in providing support for field and desk tax audits both in and out of court.

She is also experienced in environmental audits (whether the production activity of enterprises complies with environmental legislation), and in providing support during inspections on compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation (state environmental supervision) both at the pre-trail stage and in court.

Moreover, Yulia has also completed the training course at the National Industrial and Environmental Chamber and is now a certified environmental auditor.

For 9 years she has been an outside expert of the State Ecological Expert Examination Committee of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

Lawyers in ratings

Best Lawyers 2021 Best Lawyers 2021
Best Lawyers 2021

Events held by the office

The team of the office has already been holding the Siberian Tax Forum for 17 years. The Forum is a significant legal event in Siberia.
For more details
In 2022 together with colleagues from Pepeliaev Group’s Far East Office we opened the Investclub, in which the firm’s specialists together with business representatives discuss the most topical issues relating to investments and the application of special tax regimes. This project has received recognition from entrepreneurs and the number of members of the club is constantly increasing.

Analytics and news of Pepeliaev Group’s Siberian Office

  • News
    Pepeliaev Group leads the ‘Rating of lawyers and their firms’ which has been compiled for the first time by Rossiyskaya Gazeta
  • News
    Pepeliaev Group’s Siberian office in Krasnoyarsk has celebrated its 10th anniversary
  • Alerts
    Amendments have been made to the conditions of tax stabilisation for residents of special economic zones
  • News
    Pepeliaev Group’s key projects in 2022
  • News
    The ruling has been upheld of the Commercial Court for Krasnoyarsk Territory regarding the settlement agreement between NTEK and the Russian Federal Agency for Fisheries
  • News
    Pepeliaev Group’s Experts Have Ranked Highly in the Individual Rating of Pravo.ru-300
  • News
    The leading international legal ranking Best Lawyers™ 2022* has acclaimed 46 lawyers from Pepeliaev Group in Russia
  • Alerts
    A new recording procedure in the area of waste management has been adopted
  • News
    Where Pepeliaev Group won in 2020
  • News
    The XV Siberian Tax Forum successfully held online
  • Alerts
    A law on the new requirements for preventing and liquidating spills of oil and oil products has been adopted
  • News
    Pepeliaev Group has been again recognised as Law Firm of the Year for Tax Law according to Best Lawyers™ 2021*
  • Alerts
    The Russian Constitutional Court: it is permissible to decrease below the minimum level administrative fines issued in accordance with the laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on administrative offences
  • Alerts
    The risks of missing the deadline for submitting ‘environmental’ reports in the context of the restrictions aimed at preventing the spread of Covid-19
  • Alerts
    Changes in the legal regulation of waste treatment
  • Alerts
    The law on strengthening administrative liability for environmental offences has taken effect
  • News
    Pepeliaev Group has been recognised as Law Firm of the Year in tax law according to Best Lawyers™ 2020
  • Alerts
    Rules for developing technological standards are approved
  • Alerts
    The form of an application for a comprehensive environmental permit has been approved along with the form of a comprehensive environmental permit
  • Alerts
    Upcoming changes in the legal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Alerts
    Upcoming changes in the legal regulation of an environmental expert review
  • Alerts
    Transformation of environmental charges
  • News
    The XIII Siberian Tax Forum successfully held in Kemerovo
  • Alerts
    Liability for the violation of the rules for waste treatment is planned to become more stringent
  • Alerts
    Joining the Federal Industry-Wide Agreement for 2018-2020 for telecommunications and information technology companies
  • News
    Pepeliaev Group’s lawyers have defended a client in the Russian Supreme Court: the tax authority’s formal stance was recognised as unacceptable
  • Brochures and booklets
    We will make your business more effective. Presentation about Pepeliaev Group
  • Brochures and booklets
    We will make your business more effective. Brochure about Pepeliaev Group
  • News
    A round table dedicated to the legislative incentives for an environmentally friendly approach to business was held in Sakhalin
  • Alerts
    The procedure of obtaining a refund for customs duties paid in excess has been changed




Europe Business Centre, 93A Karl Marx Street, Krasnoyarsk 660049, Russia



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