

Valentina Orlova is acclaimed by the 2021 World Trademark Review – 1000 directory Once more, the World Trademark Review-1000 has hailed Valentina Orlova, Head of the Intellectual Property and Trademarks Practice at Pepeliaev Group, as one of Russia's premier IP lawyers. She has been placed in Band 1 (Gold) in the "Individuals: prosecution and strategy" section for 2021. 
Alexander Panov leaves Pepeliaev Group Alexander Panov, Head of the Commercial Practice (Life Sciences), is leaving the Pepeliaev Group team. Partners Nikolay Solodovnikov and Maria Nikonova, who for many years have been advising our clients including those from the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, will take charge of the practice group. 
Andrey Mikulin has received a letter of gratitude from the Russian President for participating in high-priority social project The Head of the Sakhalin Office of Pepeliaev Group, Andrey Mikulin, has received a letter of gratitude from the Russian President for participating in high-priority social projects.
Natalia Prisekina has been appointed as an arbitrator of the Qingdao Arbitration Commission (People’s Republic of China) and a mediator of the Korean International Mediation Centre Natalia Prisekina, Head of Pepeliaev Group’s Far East Office, has been appointed as an arbitrator of the Qingdao Arbitration Commission (People’s Republic of China) and a mediator of the Korean International Mediation Centre (Seoul, Republic of Korea).
Where Pepeliaev Group won in 2020 Before the year draws to a close, we would like to recall and share with you the projects that were the most interesting and important for Pepeliaev Group, all the more so since this year was far from easy for all of us. Together with our clients, we braved the challenges and adjusted to a new reality. Participating in online court sessions and conferences, working actively in digital format - all of this was an interesting experience and we have coped with all these tasks. Today, we review the results of 2020 and continue to move on to new projects and accomplishments.
Pepeliaev Group and nlogic have signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of information and communication technologies Pepeliaev Group and nlogic signed a partnership agreement. Taking into account the specifics of clients’ business processes and the legal nuances of the tasks at hand, Pepeliaev Group’s lawyers working in Legal Support for the Digital Economy configure nlogic’s solution for each particular user. The project team analyses the client’s documents, identifies the stages and areas of business processes where nlogic’s solution can be applied, marks up the documents, configures the templates and performs other tasks so that the client can receive a measurable economic effect of automation.
During their meeting, ministers of the BRICS countries discussed the development of cooperation in the field of justice. Many talking points were the same as those from the session “Legal assistance in the BRICS countries” at the St Petersburg Internation
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APAC Legal Awards 2024: PGP Tax Consultancy is your most reliable partner in the field of tax legislation in the Middle East
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Natalia Prisekina spoke at the 2024 Eastern Economic Forum
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