

Pepeliaev Group will represent the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade before the Russian Federal Tax Service
The Russian representative office of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (“CCPIT”) has chosen Rustem Ahmetshin, Senior Partner at Pepeliaev Group, to be the official representative of Chinese investors at the Advisory Council of the Russian Federal Tax Service for dealing with foreign investment companies. 
Pepeliaev Group publishes the results of international research on gender inequality with regard to pay
Pepeliaev Group’s employment law group has taken part in the preparation of the Russian chapter of an international guide dedicated to gender inequality with regard to salary payment (the International Gender Pay Gap Project). The project was initiated by international law firm Pinsent Masons. 
Pepeliaev Group has set up a cross-sectoral Digital Economy Legal Support Group
Pepeliaev Group is announcing its formation of a cross-sectoral Digital Economy Legal Support Group. 
Pepeliaev Group’s Practice Groups Have Achieved Exceptional Results in IFLR 1000
Pepeliaev Group has significantly climbed up the IFLR 1000 independent international ratings. We have made positive strides forward in a number of practice areas as compared with the last year. 
Pepeliaev Group is pleased to offer its clients an escrow agent services
Law firm Pepeliaev Group is pleased to offer its clients a new escrow agent service. Escrow is a globally recognised legal mechanism. It involves an escrow agent, a third party, holding money or property for contracting parties when, for instance, there is a deferral of payment under a contract or of a transfer of ownership title to the item that is being acquired. The escrow agent keeps the property under a contract and then transfers it to either party as long as certain conditions are met. 
The case of VimpelCom PJSC has won in the “Administrative Dispute of the Year” category in Legal Insight's The CASE research
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Pepeliaev Group’s Experts Have Achieved Exceptional Results in Pravo.ru-300's 2024 Individual Rankings
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Natalia Prisekina has delivered a lecture at Harbin University of Commerce (China)
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