

Pepeliaev Group listed in American Bar Association's Guide to Foreign Law Firms Moscow, Russian Federation – Pepeliaev Group has been selected to be included in the latest edition of the American Bar Association’s Guide to Foreign Law Firms, which was published in October with the cooperation of the ABA Section of International Law.
Choosing foreign law to govern contracts in Russia Russian contract law being pushed out of the real economy and contracts being entered into under foreign law were the themes of a round table held at Lomonosov MSU at the end of September.
Pepeliaev Group sells goltsblat.ru domain On 28 September 2010, Goltsblat BLP dropped its claim in the Moscow City Arbitration Court for the transfer of the domain.
Administration of the tax system needs to be improved Sergey Pepeliaev, the Managing Partner of Pepeliaev Group, spoke at a briefing dedicated to improving the administration of the tax system as a key way of making tax policy more efficient. The event was a part of the Sochi 2010 International Investment Forum.
Invitation to ‘School for Taxpayers’ On 27 September in Moscow, the St Petersburg State Youth Theatre on Fontanka, supported by Pepeliaev Group, will be performing the comedy ‘School for Taxpayers’ (L'École des contribuables) by the French playwrights Louis Verneuil and Georges Berr. The performance is part of the Youth Theatre’s anniversary tour.
New Partner in the Customs and Foreign Trade Regulation Practice, Pepeliaev Group In August 2010 Galina Balandina was appointed partner of Pepeliaev Group in charge of the Customs and Foreign Trade Regulation Practice.
During their meeting, ministers of the BRICS countries discussed the development of cooperation in the field of justice. Many talking points were the same as those from the session “Legal assistance in the BRICS countries” at the St Petersburg Internation
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APAC Legal Awards 2024: PGP Tax Consultancy is your most reliable partner in the field of tax legislation in the Middle East
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Natalia Prisekina spoke at the 2024 Eastern Economic Forum
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