Valentina Orlova speaking on the enforcement of intellectual property rights at RussiaTALK 2011
Valentina Orlova, head of Pepeliaev Group’s intellectual property practice, told the RussiaTALK 2011 investment forum about the prospects of enforcing intellectual property rights in Russia. This annual forum hosted by the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce brings together delegates from leading British and Russian companies and the public authorities.
TELECOM 2011: Legal and tax issues
"Pepeliaev Group" and The Moscow Times are delighted to invite you to take part in the conference "TELECOM 2011: Legal and tax issues".
Top 10 most current trends in Russia’s and Europe’s real estate market in 2011-2012
Within the framework of the annual Expo Real exhibition, which gathers the leading European players in the real estate sector, The Moscow Times newspaper and law firm Pepeliaev Group held the conference ‘Top 10 most current trends in Russia’s and Europe’s real estate market in 2011-2012’. The conference took place on 5 October in Munich at the Moscow Government Stand.
Sergey Pepeliaev is Russia’s most authoritative lawyer
Sergey Pepeliaev, the Managing Partner of Pepeliaev Group, has been named Russia’s most authoritative lawyer, according to the ’10 most authoritative lawyers’ ratings produced by journal Russian Reporter.
Moscow’s enlargement. Legal aspects. Supreme Arbitration Court’s resolution on future real estate
On 20 September 2011, the Moscow Business Club and Pepeliaev Group law firm held a legal business breakfast on Moscow’s enlargement. Legal aspects. Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court No. 54 dated 11 July 2011 On some aspects of resolving disputes arising from contracts involving property to be built or acquired in the future. The event was hosted by The Savoy Hotel.
The case of VimpelCom PJSC has won in the “Administrative Dispute of the Year” category in Legal Insight's The CASE research Read more
Pepeliaev Group’s Experts Have Achieved Exceptional Results in's 2024 Individual Rankings Read more
Natalia Prisekina has delivered a lecture at Harbin University of Commerce (China) Read more
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