

Pepeliaev Group opens its own office in Vladivostok
Pepeliaev Group announces the opening of its own office in Vladivostok. The team at the new office will provide the whole range of legal services in the Far East region. 
The XIII Siberian Tax Forum successfully held in Kemerovo

On 12 October, the city of Kemerovo hosted the XIII Siberian Tax Forum organised by Nalogoved journal and the Law Institute of Kemerovo State University (“KemSU”) with the support of Pepeliaev Group's team of experts.

Pepeliaev Group and Eurofast organised a tax conference in Limassol
On 4 October in Limassol a conference took place which was dedicated to the topic: “Cyprus-Russia: the end of the relationship or a new affair? Practical examples of preventing tax disputes”. The conference was jointly organised by Pepeliaev Group and Eurofast. 
Pepeliaev Group achieved victory for its client in a dispute concerning the recovery of an insurance payout of about USD 500,000
Our team of lawyers successfully safeguarded the interests of Mucos Pharma CZ (a foreign pharmaceutical company that is a global leader in distribution of enzyme therapy products in Europe, the CIS countries and Russia) in a dispute with a major Russian insurance company. An issue was the recovery of an insurance payout under an insurance agreement along with interest for the use of another party's funds.
Pepeliaev Group has contributed to Taxand publication: GLOBAL GUIDE TO M&A TAX
Pepeliaev Group's experts have been involved in preparing the Russian part of GLOBAL GUIDE TO M&A TAX published by the international association of tax experts, Taxand. The guide describes the main tax consequences of M&A transactions almost in all countries of the world. 
Pepeliaev Group’s expert has participated in a session of the Expert Panel with the business ombudsman of the Russian Federation
Sergey Taut, expert at Pepeliaev Group, has participated in a session of the Expert Panel with Boris Titov, the Russian President's Ombudsman for Entrepreneurs' Rights. The session was held on 17 August at the World Trade Center and was dedicated to the amendments, both implemented and prospective, to criminal and criminal procedure legislation for the purposes of the subsequent decriminalisation of economic relations.
Pepeliaev Group has been ranked among the top 5 methodologists in the field of tax monitoring according to Market.CNews
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Pepeliaev Group at the St Petersburg Legal Summit 2024
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Pepeliaev Group and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea have renewed their cooperation agreement
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