

Valentina Orlova will be the lecturer on the programme “Intellectual property in the digital economy”

Valentina Orlova, the Head of the IP Practice at Pepeliaev Group, will be the lecturer on the professional skills programme in the area of intellectual property and the digital economy. 

Pepeliaev Group has demonstrated exceptional results in the Chambers Europe 2020 ratings

Our Tax and Employment Law Practices continue to be named in Band 1. In the individual ratings, the reviewers have given prominent placings to Managing Partner Sergey Pepeliaev (Eminent Practitioner), Partner Julia Borozdna (Band 1) and Head of the IP Practice Valentina Orlova (Band 1). 

The Antimonopoly Club focuses on the anti-cartel package On 27 February 2020 another session of the Antimonopoly Club organised by the Competition and Law journal took place. 
Pepeliaev Group retains its prominent placings in Chambers Global 2020 Pepeliaev Group continues to occupy high positions the Chambers Global independent international ratings.
The National Research University Higher School of Economics has held the annual forum “Legal challenges of the healthcare industry in 2020”, organised jointly with Pepeliaev Group

On 7 February the National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) held the forum “Legal challenges of the healthcare industry in 2020”, which has become an annual event. The forum was organised jointly by Pepeliaev Group and NRU HSE’s department of biological law. The speakers and guests of the forum discussed the most topical legal issues for and development prospects of the pharmaceuticals industry and social healthcare. 

The FAS is closing in on cartels

The antimonopoly service (the “FAS”) has launched a counter-offensive, in terms of both law and methodology, against anticompetitive agreements which are increasingly permeating the state’s strategic and vital spheres, causing enormous damage to the country’s economy.

During their meeting, ministers of the BRICS countries discussed the development of cooperation in the field of justice. Many talking points were the same as those from the session “Legal assistance in the BRICS countries” at the St Petersburg Internation
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APAC Legal Awards 2024: PGP Tax Consultancy is your most reliable partner in the field of tax legislation in the Middle East
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Natalia Prisekina spoke at the 2024 Eastern Economic Forum
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