

Pepeliaev Group's representatives have once again visited China
A delegation from Pepeliaev Group law firm has made a further business visit to China. Our team included Senior Partner Rustem Ahmetshin, Partner Yuri Vorobyev and Head of Real Estate and Construction Practice Natalya Stenina. 
Pepeliaev Group at the V St. Petersburg International Legal Forum
Pepeliaev Group will take part in the V St. Petersburg International Legal Forum (SPILF), which will be held in St. Petersburg from 26 to 30 May. 
Pepeliaev Group takes top placings in the Chambers Europe 2015 ratings
Pepeliaev Group’s tax practice (Band 1) has once again been hailed as the best on the Russian market according to the Chambers Europe 2015 international legal ratings. Clients surveyed by the experts of Chambers Europe consider that “the lawyers dig deep to find issues that play a role in the mandate," while the team stands out because it “is flexible and understands clients' needs."
Alexander Korkin – co-chair of the Committee of the Human Resources of SPIBA Head of Employment and Migration Law "Pepeliaev Group", Alexander Korkin appointed as co-chair of the Committee of Human Resources of the St. Petersburg International Business Association (SPIBA). 
Pepeliaev Group tops the Best Lawyers 2015 ranking
The authoritative international ranking of law firms Best Lawyers 2015 has hailed Pepeliaev Group as Top Listed in Tax. This means that Pepeliaev is recognised as the top firm in Russian tax law. The award is handed to firms whose lawyers occupy the highest positions in the rankings within a certain region and practice area. 
Finishing the restoration of the 13th century Novgorod "Book of the Helmsman" Pepeliaev Group and the State Historical Museum are pleased to announce that they have completed the unique project to restore the 13th century Novgorod "Book of the Helmsman".
During their meeting, ministers of the BRICS countries discussed the development of cooperation in the field of justice. Many talking points were the same as those from the session “Legal assistance in the BRICS countries” at the St Petersburg Internation
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APAC Legal Awards 2024: PGP Tax Consultancy is your most reliable partner in the field of tax legislation in the Middle East
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Natalia Prisekina spoke at the 2024 Eastern Economic Forum
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