

2013 Tax Manoeuvres Pepeliaev Group is opening the business season and invites you to the business breakfast 2013 Tax Manoeuvres with The Moscow Times on 12 February 2013. We will cover the most widely discussed new developments in legislation and trends of commercial courts’ case law with respect to tax issues. 
Book review: Sergey Pepeliaev’s ‘Recovering costs in relation to legal assistance in the commercial courts’. The problem of recovering money spent on legal assistance has continued to be topical for the last decade and more. The release at the end of 2012 of Sergey Pepeliaev’s ‘Recovering costs in relation to legal assistance in the commercial courts’ by publishing house Alpina Publisher has given rise to a new wave of discussions.
Pepeliaev Group’s website was the most frequently cited in 2012 The website of Pepeliaev Group, at www.pgplaw.ru, was the most frequently cited website in 2012 out of all Russian law firms. The Russian Agency of Legal and Court Information, known by the Russian acronym ‘RAPSI’, compiled the ratings in December 2012.
The Russian Tax Summit, supported by Pepeliaev Group On 12 December 2012, there was a discussion of short-term trends in Russian tax policy at a tax summit organised by news agency RIA Novosti and the Moscow News newspaper with the support of Pepeliaev Group. Those taking part included representatives of the Russian Finance Ministry, the CEOs of major companies, lawyers, economists and experts.
Taxand named ‘Tax Association of the Year’ in Corporate INTL Awards 2012 Taxand, the world’s largest global organisation of independent tax advisors to multinational businesses, has been awarded the title of ‘Tax Association of the Year in the World’ by Corporate Intl magazine. 
43 Taxand locations recognised for high quality advice Taxand, the world’s largest global organisation of tax advisors to multinational businesses, has been highly commended in International Tax Review’s ‘World Tax 2013’ for the fourth year running. 
Natalia Prisekina has become the head of the MAC under the Russian CCI in Vladivostok
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Konstantin Sharlovsky is a co-founder of the “Law and Medicine” master's programme at Moscow State University
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Pepeliaev Group's experts have recorded an original course in tax law for the Legal Academy
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