Pepeliaev Group presents L&E Global's labour law reviewAnna Berlina, Head of the Employment and Migration Law Group at Pepeliaev Group, participated in the preparation of the Russian part of the global labour law review of L&E Global’s Cross-Border Remote Work FAQs.
Elena Lvova has addressed the “Data Analysis In Medicine” conferenceElena Lvova, a senior associate in Pepeliaev Group’s pharmaceutical and healthcare practice, has addressed the 1st International Academic and Practical Conference “Data Analysis In Medicine”. The conference took part in St. Petersburg and was dedicated to one of the most topical inter-disciplinary areas of modern science - the use of methods for processing and analysing large amounts of medical data in order to increase the accessibility of medical aid to patients and to create additional tools to facilitate doctors’ performance.
The case of VimpelCom PJSC has won in the “Administrative Dispute of the Year” category in Legal Insight's The CASE research Read more
Pepeliaev Group’s Experts Have Achieved Exceptional Results in's 2024 Individual Rankings Read more
Natalia Prisekina has delivered a lecture at Harbin University of Commerce (China) Read more
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