

PG Tax Consultancy has successfully held its first workshop in Dubai On 5 October, specialists of PG Tax Consultancy and Pepeliaev Group held a workshop in Dubai titled “Introducing corporate tax in the UAE: Implications for business”.
Anton Pchelkin has joined INTA’s Anticounterfeiting Committee Anton Pchelkin, an associate of the Intellectual Property and Trademarks Practice of Pepeliaev Group, has been elected to the Anticounterfeiting Committee of the International Trademark Association (INTA).
PG Tax Consultancy has launched a website in the UAE PG Tax Consultancy, which is the Middle East Desk of Pepeliaev Group with an office in the UAE, announces the launch of its local website: www.pgplaw.ae. On the website, you can find comprehensive information about the firm’s services, its team and the projects it has accomplished, while learning about recent events and analytical data.
Pepeliaev Group has been included in the rating of tax monitoring methodologists for the first time Pepeliaev Group has been ranked 8th in the top ten methodologists in the field of tax monitoring for 2023. The research was conducted by the analytical group of the project IaasSaaSPaaS.ru, which specialises in reviewing cloud services.
Pepeliaev Group’s experts at the Far East International Banking Law Forum Pepeliaev Group’s experts played an active role in the business programme of the Far East International Banking Law Forum, which was organised by PJSC Sberbank. The event was held on 27-28 July in Vladivostok.
Lidia Gorshkova participated in the Russian-Chinese Business Forum in Shanghai

The Head of the Banking and Finance Practice Group at Pepeliaev Group, Lidia Gorshkova, participated in the Russian-Chinese Business Forum, which took place on 23-24 May in Shanghai within the framework of the official visit of the Russian Prime Minister, Mikhail Mishustin, to the People’s Republic of China.  

The case of VimpelCom PJSC has won in the “Administrative Dispute of the Year” category in Legal Insight's The CASE research
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Pepeliaev Group’s Experts Have Achieved Exceptional Results in Pravo.ru-300's 2024 Individual Rankings
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Natalia Prisekina has delivered a lecture at Harbin University of Commerce (China)
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