

Structuring joint ventures
Advised on an innovation project regarding how to structure a joint venture between Russian and foreign investment funds.
Company formation
Assisted in establishing a venture in Russia. This involved support in forming a company, and advising on labour law, commercial law and tax matters.
Contractual manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients and biological substances
Pepeliaev Group’s lawyers have provided legal support to a client within the framework of organising the contractual manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients and biological substances jointly with a Russian pharmaceutical company. 
Formalising contractual relationships with sales outlets concerning the marketing of products
Pepeliaev Group’s lawyers have developed several options of formalising contractual relationships with sales outlets aimed at marketing the company’s products if there are no supplier-recipient relationships for such products. 
Manufacturing and selling a medicine within a group of affiliated companies
Pepeliaev Group’s experts have consulted a client in relation to the tax implications and risks pertaining to a contract for the manufacturing and selling a medicine within a group of affiliated companies, taking into account the actual distribution of functions and pharmaceutical licences. 
Closure of a representative office
Pepeliaev Group’s lawyers have handled the closure of a representative office which pursued auxiliary and preparatory activities in Russia, and successfully protected the company's interests at the stage of the pre-audit analysis by the tax authority.
The case of VimpelCom PJSC has won in the “Administrative Dispute of the Year” category in Legal Insight's The CASE research
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Pepeliaev Group’s Experts Have Achieved Exceptional Results in Pravo.ru-300's 2024 Individual Rankings
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Natalia Prisekina has delivered a lecture at Harbin University of Commerce (China)
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