

Preparing non-disclosure agreements and amendments
Preparing non-disclosure agreements and amendments to employment and civil law contracts covering the non-disclosure of confidential information for a major bank.
An employee’s claim to recover compensation
Successfully defended a major insurance company in an employee’s claim to recover compensation for a disclosure of personal data.
Licensing activity
Advised a major manufacturer of mobile telephones on personal data issues relating to licensing activity.
Monitoring of the email correspondence
Advised on the monitoring of the email correspondence of a credit rating agency’s employees.
Advising a major car manufacturer
Advised a major car manufacturer on gathering, storing and destroying documents and information containing personal data within the framework of Russian data protection legislation.
Recommendations to a Russian telecommunications company
Made recommendations to a Russian telecommunications company for notifying Roskomdanzor of personal data processing, and for ensuring that personal data remained secure while being processed.
Sergey Pepeliaev spoke at a meeting of the Coordination Council of 'Business Russia', with Alexander Novak also taking part
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During the Russian Federal Tax Service’s conference in Kazan, Pepeliaev Group’s experts proposed a number of measures to tackle pressing issues that taxpayers are facing
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The case of VimpelCom PJSC has won in the “Administrative Dispute of the Year” category in Legal Insight's The CASE research
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